Now a dividend received from the company is Taxable


Up to Assessment Year 2020-21, if a shareholder gets a dividend from a domestic company then he shall not be liable to pay any tax on such dividend as it is exempt from tax under section 10(34) of the Act. However, in such cases, the domestic company is liable to pay a Dividend Distribution Tax (DDT) under section 115-O. The Finance Act, 2020 has abolished the DDT and move to the classical system of taxation wherein dividends are taxed in the hands of the investors.

Therefore, the provisions of Section 115-O shall not be applicable if the dividend is distributed on or after 01-04-2020. Thus, if the dividend is distributed on or after 01-04- 2020 the domestic companies shall not liable to pay DDT and, consequently, shareholders shall be liable to pay tax on such dividend income. As dividend would now be taxable in the hands of the shareholder, various provisions of the Act have been revived such as allowability of expenses from dividend income, deductibility of tax from dividend income, treatment of inter-corporate dividend, etc.

Obligation of the domestic companies

 The domestic companies shall not be liable to pay DDT on dividend distributed to shareholders on or after 01-04-2020. However, domestic companies shall be liable to deduct tax under Section 194. As per the Section 194, which shall be applicable to dividend distributed, declared or paid on or after 01-04-2020, an Indian company shall deduct tax at the rate of 10% from dividend distributed to the resident shareholders if the aggregate amount of dividend distributed or paid during the financial year to a shareholder exceeds Rs. 5,000

However, no tax shall be required to be deducted from the dividend paid or payable to Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC), General Insurance Corporation of India (GIC) or any other insurer in respect of any shares owned by it or in which it has full beneficial interest. However, where the dividend is payable to a non-resident or a foreign company, the tax shall be deducted under Section 195 in accordance with relevant DTAA

Taxability in hands of shareholders

Section 10(34), which provides an exemption to the shareholders in respect of dividend income, is withdrawn from Assessment Year 2021-20. Thus, dividends received during the financial year 2020-21 and onwards shall now be taxable in the hands of the shareholders. Consequently, Section 115BBDA which provides for taxability of dividend in excess of Rs. 10 lakh has no relevance as the entire amount of dividend shall be taxable in the hands of the shareholder.

Taxable in the hands of resident shareholder (if shares are held for trading purpose)

If shares are held for trading purposes then the dividend income shall be taxable under the head business or profession. Whereas, if shares are held as an investment then income arising in nature of dividend shall be taxable under the head other sources. The income, taxable under the head PGBP, is computed in accordance with the method of accounting regularly followed by the assessee. For the purpose of computation of business income, a taxpayer can follow either mercantile system of accounting or cash basis of accounting. However, the method of accounting employed by the assessee does not affect the basis of charge of dividend income as Section 8 of the Act provides that final dividend including deemed dividend shall be taxable in the year in which it is declared, distributed or paid by the company, whichever is earlier. Whereas, interim dividend is taxable in the previous year in which the amount of such dividend is unconditionally made available by the company to the shareholder. In other words, interim dividend is chargeable to tax on receipt basis. 

Deductions from dividend income 

Where dividend is assessable to tax as business income, the assessee can claim the deductions of all those expenditures which have been incurred to earn that dividend income such as collection charges, interest on loan etc. Whereas if dividend is taxable under the head other sources, the assessee can claim deduction of only interest expenditure which has been incurred to earn that dividend income to the extent of 20% of total dividend income. No deduction shall be allowed for any other expenses including commission or remuneration paid to a banker or any other person for the purpose of realising such dividend.

Tax rate on dividend income 

dividend income shall be chargeable to tax at normal tax rates as applicable in case of an assessee except where a resident individual, being an employee of an Indian company or its subsidiary engaged in Information technology, entertainment, pharmaceutical or bio-technology industry, receives dividend in respect of GDRs issued by such company under an Employees' Stock Option Scheme. In such a case, dividend shall be taxable at concessional tax rate of 10% without providing for any deduction under the Income-tax Act. However, the GDRs should be purchased by the employee in foreign currency.

Prepare Quarter wise breakup of dividend for calculation of correct advance tax and interest on it u/s 234C.


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Gaurav Chutani
A commerce student starting a blog Commerce Keen with an aim to sharing our knowledge & experience that i have gain & will gain in our journey and sharing the current updates information.

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