IBM Data Analytics with Excel

About the Course

Kickstart Your Data Analytics Career w/ Excel & R. Master the data analysis and visualization tools to transform data into information and insights.


Utilize Excel spreadsheets to perform a variety of data analysis tasks like data wrangling, using pivot tables, data mining, & creating charts

Complete the data analysis process, including data preparation, statistical analysis, predictive modeling, using R, R Studio, and Jupyter

Create relational databases and tables, query data, sort, filter and aggregate result sets using SQL and R from JupyterLab

Communicate your data findings using various data visualization techniques including, charts, plots & interactive dashboards with Cognos and R Shiny
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Gaurav Chutani
A commerce student starting a blog Commerce Keen with an aim to sharing our knowledge & experience that i have gain & will gain in our journey and sharing the current updates information.

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