Introduction to Corporate Finance

About this course

Are you looking for high-powered career opportunities in corporate finance? Or looking for understanding the building blocks of corporate finance which helps in your academic learnings? If yes, this course is for you. The course ripens theoretical context for understanding and analysing major financial snags of modern business firms. The course is engrossed on building skills in analysing the typical corporate behavior in capital market operations and the affiliation of agent and principal in raising funds, allocating capital, distributing returns across all the stakeholders to the business. The course also offers requisite knowledge for evaluating management decisions in creating value for the business.


· Capital Budgeting Techniques

· Mergers

· Acquisitions

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Gaurav Chutani
A commerce student starting a blog Commerce Keen with an aim to sharing our knowledge & experience that i have gain & will gain in our journey and sharing the current updates information.

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