Data Analytics for Business

What you'll learn

Skip What you'll learn
After taking this course, students should be able to:
approach business problems data-analytically. Students should be able to think carefully and systematically about whether and how data and business analytics can improve business performance.
develop business analytics ideas, analyze data using business analytics software, and generate business insights.

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  1. Data analytics applies generally to all processes and resources necessary for the collection and analysis of critical data. Analytics is a wider concept, which incorporates multiple data processing methods and processes. Analytical methods may be both qualitative and objective, such as statistical instruments or applications and the quality of life surveys in the medical field. It collects and transfers valuable data from useless information and analyzes it to generate numerical data and patterns that can lead to profitable improvement. inetSoft


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Gaurav Chutani
A commerce student starting a blog Commerce Keen with an aim to sharing our knowledge & experience that i have gain & will gain in our journey and sharing the current updates information.

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